Monday, September 9, 2013

Isangenix 30-day Cleanse - Day 30 - October 9, 2013

Woo hoo! 30 days and that is it. Had a great day today. It was a typical shake routine. Workout was BodyPump. Dinner was at Taco Bell with my son. I had the Fiesta Taco Salad which according to the website is about 780 calories so it was over my 400-600 limit, but since my overall goal was not necessarily to lose a lot of weight, I don't care. :)

No on to the more important stuff. Here are the results from the day 30 measurements and a picture to boot.Ok first with the picture. Yeah , I normally don't enjoy looking at pictures of myself but in all reality I do not see much of a difference at all from Day 1 to Day 30. Keep in mind, I did not really change any of my workout routine and this was strictly more of a dietary change. SO let's look at the raw numbers....I highlighted the changes that I had success with. Waist, abdomen, butt, and thighs all went down. Overall lost 2" in the waist and 1" from the butt. As much as I am glad these were positive, I am very skeptical at the true cause of the loss. Overall, weight was down 3lbs for the month.

Now let's examine the overall results. Down a total of 5" and 3lbs for the month. That I am happy about. Absolutely. BUT, again, I am skeptical that these results are all due to the credit of Isagenix. I have to honestly say, I am not as pleased with the results as I would like to have been. I can say I am a bit let down and was hoping for more.

Here are some final notes about the products.

Ionix Supreme - tastes bad at first but over the month I was able to down it and the taste got better throughout the month. Did I get any overall results from it - I can't tell, so no. Not sure what this was supposed to deliver, but I am not feeling any result of it.

Natural accelerator and IsaFlush - I don't know at all what these pills do or did for me. I would argue that I could have not taken them at all during the month and it would have made no differences to my results. I didn't get the point of these products at all.

Cleanse For Life - This stuff didn't taste bad and did allow to get through the cleanse days. But what did it actually do? I don't feel any different and it again falls into the category of "not sure what the value of this product is." If I wouldn't have taken it at all, and just had some celery and almonds during my cleanse days, would the results have been the same? I would argue yes.

Snacks - During the cleanse, these were not tasty. The IsaDelights were certainly better and tasted better. The snacks were chalky and not overly satisfying.

IsaLean Pro shakes - these were satisfying and filling. I was happy to see that I could take these and actually feel satiated. These were good for breakfast and great for post workout. I could see continuing to take these, if they weren't so costly. Because of price, I may be tempted to examine other similar products and challenge their effectiveness.

Want More Energy and E+ drinks - these were surprising effective and did NOT have any negative side effects. I could also see using these again with the price being the only negative.

I think that is all the products and so let me end with this for now. Even though my review my seem a bit negative, I was satisfied enough that I am willing to continue for another 30-days on the Athlete Pack from Isagenix. That will be the make or break for me. I am willing to give this another month and see if I can get some more results. Then I will make another assessment of whether or not I will continue long term with Isagenix. I do not plan on keeping a daily blog but I will make a couple entries over the next month to show you any results I find.

My overall assessment - so far, I will not being signing up long term to use Isagenix products - YET. I am willing to give this another month to see what happens. If I don't see something more positive, I will be moving on to something else as the results to cost ratio just isn't there for me yet. On that note, I am not saying that others should not try the program to see if it works better for them. I think they should and see if they get good results for themselves.

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