Monday, September 9, 2013

Isangenix 30-day Cleanse - Day 3 - September 12, 2013

Day 3 was good. Since it is Thursday and a work day - everything is pretty routine. 
Started with Ionix Supreme - same as usual. 45 min later had a breakfast shake of IsaLean Pro vanilla with half a banana and two strawberries. Downed a natural accelerator with the shake. 

About 10am I had a half cup oatmeal that I sweetened with three sugar packets. I also had a Chobani 6oz strawberry yogurt. At 11:15am I ate a kid's size Clif bar to prep for my workout. 

Went home at noon and did the max interval circuit Insanity workout which is quite brutal for those that have done Insanity. Post workout had a chocolate IsaLean Pro shake with a spoonful of peanut butter. 

Afternoon around 3pm I tried an orange "Want more energy?" packet that came with my 30-day kit. This was surprisingly tasty and was as good or better than orange Gatorade.  About 3:30pm I also had another Costco sized packet of trail mix. 

For my evening meal, got started a little late due to school open house and soccer practice so I was quite hungry by this time. Ate dinner at 7:45pm. I had a can of turkey chili and two Oscar Meyer turkey dogs. I topped this with some onion and mustard. I figured this in right around 700 calories. Finished the night with a handful of grapes and 2 IsaFlush pills. 

Day 3 Notes

  • No issues with nausea or headache again today. That is always nice. 
  • Had some stomach cramps and on-off bloating throughout the day. Not sure on the cause of this.
  • The "Want More Energy?" packet had a minor affect. I certainly did not get sleepy for the next few hours and on the other side, I didn't get any shakes or jitters the way some energy drinks can make you feel. I would certainly be willing to try these again. 
  • I was hungry by the time dinner came around but not really unexpected since I ate so late.

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