Monday, September 9, 2013

Isangenix 30-day Cleanse - Day 7 - September 16, 2013

Back to the shake days. I can start by saying, in all reality, I could have continued on with another cleanse day - if I had to, as I was not starving for something this morning. But it was nice to get something a little more than liquid into my body. Shake day was the usual Shake with some fruit and an accelerator pill in the morning. Mid morning and pre workout snack was a Chobani and a kid's Clif bar about 11:15am.

Went to a LesMills BodyPump class at noon and pushed myself pretty hard. During the workout, I did not have any issues with energy or strength but I was certainly tired afterwards. Did a chocolate shake for lunch and had a Costco trail mix and accelerator pill at 2:30pm. I was not wanting to wait until 3 when I normally have a snack.

That was it until dinner time where we had grilled chicken breast and grilled red and green peppers and onions. I must say that I was pretty hungry for a solid meal so I had a large helping of the veggies and almost the entire chicken breast. No idea calorie wise what the intake here was. About an hour after dinner was getting some cravings and ended up eating 4 or 5 Dum-dum suckers as my daughter was sitting there sucking on one while doing her homework. Also had about a cup full of vanilla yogurt that I believe added another 170 calories about 8pm. Took two IsaFlush and went to bed by 11pm.

Day 7 Notes

  • Was nervous about going back to shake days and heavy exercise but turned out to be a non-issue.
  • The shakes seem to be getting a little monotonous but no matter - sticking to the plan.
  • Still find myself fighting those evening cravings and need to find a resolution so I am not tempted to screw up the entire day by giving in at night
  • Tomorrow is Day 8 - which is a measurement and weight check in day. Will be interesting to see where we stand!

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