Monday, September 9, 2013

Isangenix 30-day Cleanse - Day 5 - September 14, 2013

Ok everyone....Day 5 into this routine and today was a bit better than yesterday. I will start that off by saying that it could be I ate more calories than I should have but I think I am still good. Saturday morning and I needed to get off to coach a kid's soccer game by 9am, so quickly guzzled down the Ionix Supreme. My wife has been mixing hers with herbal tea and warming it up everyday and insists it tastes way better. For me, I just chug it down in a few gulps and with a few ice cubes.

Had another vanilla shake with 1/2 banana and 2 strawberries. Went to shop for groceries after the soccer game and it was close to 11am. Didn't pack a snack and shopping for groceries at this time was not a good idea. Instead of eating lunch early, I decided to have a late snack which consisted of a couple thin slices of peppered turkey breast and two pieces of string cheese. Ate a late lunch at about 1pm. I was fairly hungry so this time I mixed my shake in the Vitamix as opposed to the IsaBlender. This way I could add a whole banana, 3 whole strawberries, a small handful of raspberries, and a small handful of blueberries. Mixed this all with a chocolate IsaLean Pro. Around 3pm I tried one of the IsaLean fiber snacks that I believe states it has 90 calories. It was fairly tasty but didn't really satisfy. My daughter, evilly, made monkey bread and I caved and tried a couple small pieces. I am guessing this was 200-300 calories. I also drank some orange Powerade that was probably excess sugar - my weakness - that I do not need. Anyway, for dinner we had thin cut pork chops and a spinach - romaine salad with some celery, carrots, and cucumber. I also munched on a couple handfuls of popcorn my kids brought home from the movies. Off to bed with 2 IsaFlush and a little anxiety about the first cleanse day tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Day 5 Notes

  • Much better today in terms of feeling like I was on a diet. It might be because I ate a bit more than I was supposed to.
  • Exercise today only consisted of running up and down the soccer field while coaching and doing some yard work.
  • Visually - not really seeing any results yet, but it is only day 5 and still a ways to go. Tomorrow being a cleanse day should put some more things into perspective.

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